You put the ivermetcin on? Who told you to put the ivermetcin on? I didn’t tell you to put the ivermetcin on. Why’d you put the ivermetcin on? You haven’t even been to see the doctor. If you’re gonna put a ivermetcin on, let a doctor put ivermetcin on.

Anti-masker conservative Caleb Wallace took nutraceuticals in place of bona fide COVID-19 treatments:

Jessica Wallace told the newspaper that her husband initially refused to be tested and took unproven home remedies for the virus, including high doses of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin, and ivermectin — a deworming treatment commonly given to livestock. Poison control centers are being swamped with calls from people suffering ill effects from ivermectin, and the Food and Drug Administration has issued alerts against ingesting the drug.

As I observed before, the alternative to evil big Pharma who wants to sell you poison is someone who is selling you snake oil.

Texas Anti-Mask ‘Freedom Defender’ Caleb Wallace Dies Of COVID-19