Sunday Serial: Endgrain Coffee, Aperol Spritz, and Winget

Here’s this week’s list of things to check out:

  1. Endgrain Coffee Brewed in a Chemex coffee brewer: I wrote about purchasing a Chemex recently after eight years of prevarication. I took it into the office after using it at home last weekend. I’m missing having it at home and might get another one, or swap the two pourover setups. It makes a nice cup of coffee indeed. But I brewed some coffee (a gift) from Endgrain in nearby Pitman, NJ, and it was a perfect match.
  2. The Aperol Spritz: This isn’t a new drink for us and I’ve surely written about it before here on Uncorrected, but we revived the Aperol Spritz this weekend, as we stayed home. Makes me excited about the imminent pool season, and having Fridays off.
  3. Winget for Windows apps: The Microsoft Store is a joke next to Apple’s App Store on the Mac, but you can easily use PowerShell to search for apps instead of firing up the Store proper. This has the added benefit of exposing you to Git Hub apps you wouldn’t otherwise find in the Store.
Aperol Spritz
Aperol Spritz
Endgrain Coffee
Endgrain Coffee

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