Sunday Serial, Monday Edition: Momofuku Black Truffle Chili Crunch, Typora, and OLFA Blades

Sorry about missing Serial Sunday last night; it was Easter Sunday and while dinner was plenty early, I was vegging on the sofa and not feeling enumerative.

  1. Momofuku Black Truffle Chili Crunch: This is one of David Chang’s excellent chili crunch varieties. It’s good on just about everything, but I always put it on my grilled chicken. It’s calorie dense, so keep an eye on your usage. It’s just delicious; we’ve had the regular, extra spicy, and hot honey, too.
  2. Typora: Typora is a no-frills markdown editor in the style of iA Writer. I’ve been using it on Windows, as iA can be slow and looks out of place on Windows. It’s got a long free trial, and is only $15 for a license. Runs on Mac, too. Best of all, there are plenty of themes. I’ve been a sucker for “cobalt” themes since using TextMate many moons ago, and there are lots of nice cobalt flavors to choose from.1
  3. OLFA Blades: My dad always has the coolest, most bespoke tools, and he’s who I learned about OLFA blades from. I always have one or two around and spare blades at the ready. They are good for any precision cutting, or just zipping open a plastic bag.

1It does not, like iA Writer for Mac and Android, publish to WordPress. This feature is omitted in iA Writer for Windows, too. Like RSS readers, the Mac is an embarrassment of riches for bloggers. No so on Windows.