Sunday Serial for December 10, 2023

This week’s list of things to check out:

  1. Yoink: This is a digital note shelf application I’ve written about before in my Essential Software series. You drag files and screenshots into the sidebar on your Mac, and then drag it out into the document or other project you’re working on. I use it for screenshots a lot, and it’s one of the things I miss when I use Windows. I do, however, find the omission of Yoink-like shelf apps on Windows moot because of how Windows handles screenshots–Windows copies them to the clipboard. Hence my next tip.

  2. Screenshot: Introduced in Mojave (and passed completely over my head) is a built-in utility that allows you to more specifically control what happens to screenshots in macOS. You can change the default behavior to send screenshots directly to your clipboard, for example, emulating Windows’ behavior and obviating the need for something like Yoink (Yoink is still incredibly useful for shunting files around in emails and moving files from, say, Finder to Google Drive).

  3. Bleu Cheese stuffed olives: I had my first martini with stuffed olives Friday night at the excellent bar at the Ebbitt Room. Color me impressed. Remember when I wrote about having opinions? Sometimes you’re wrong about things. Bleu cheese-stuffed olives are one of them.


Screenshot on macOS

Bombay Martini with Bleu Cheese Stuffed Olives
Bleu Cheese Stuffed Olives