Sous Vide Filet Mignon

I wrote about the filet mignon at Drift in Reboboth Beach back in the fall, and the perfect doneness found me swearing to cook mine a bit lower the next go round. We grabbed a three-pack of filet at an ACME yesterday, and true to my word, I left it in the Anova at 124 instead of 128 for an hour before finishing it on the jet engine method I use to grill off a sous vide cut. (I cribbed this move from Alton Brown, albeit a variation of his innovation.)

Sous Vide Filet Mignon
Filet Mignon

This was one of the best dishes I’ve done, a perfect medium rare, very little “gray line,” as Aaron calls it. I used to fret about overdoing filet, but sous vide neatly solves that problem.