Serial Sunday: Memorial Day 2024 Edition

  1. Weber Smokey Mountain 22": Outside of sous vide, my taste towards cooking runs decidedly analog. We bought this smoker maybe 10 years ago and while we don’t smoke meat often, it’s always a revelation. I make spare and baby back ribs tonight and they were slammin.
  2. The Virtual Weber Bullet: My dad pointed me to this website back when I got the aforementioned smoker. It’s pretty much the only site I use for smoking recipes. I used the Minion Method for today’s cook, to great success.
  3. Outlaw’s Burger Barn and Creamery: Below are pics of the Cookie Monster ice cream cake. Insane.
Weber Smokey Mountain
Weber Smokey Mountain
Smoked Baby Backs
Smoked Baby Backs
Outlaw's Cookie Monster Pie
Outlaw’s Cookie Monster Pie

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