Friday Night: Indian Food and a Little Shopping

We took the boys out for Indian at our local favorite spot (we actually have two Indian restaurants nearby now, although they are the same owner/name/menu). It’s always good and the service most polite. Split a bottle of Chardonnay with Rhonda.

I’m trying everything from the lamb and goat sections. My favorite so far is either the Lamb Rogan Josh or the Lamb Korma. Another favorite is the Chole Batura, which is a dish I tried at a place in Camden County that’s now out of business. It comes with spicy chickpeas in a red sauce and a puffy, naan-like bread. We split Aloo Chaat this time instead though. The bread basket at Royal Spice is pricey but definitely worth it; there’s naan and roti in the basket, of varied flavors. Love this place.

We nipped out to Kohl’s after and I get these natty Vans. That’s a good time to shop! The joint was empty.Lamb Masala


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