Mimestream Makes Gmail Feel like Mail

On TidBits, Julio Ojeda-Zapata writes about Mimestream, a Swift email client for macOS (Catalina+ only) that works with Gmail without treating the search giant’s ubiquitous email service as IMAP. Mimestream looks like Mail.app, which some might find spartan. (I use MailMate and that’s about as minimal as it gets outside of Pine.)

In addition to the familiar interface, the ability to use Gmail search modifiers is a nice feature, especially where Gmail labels are a poor substitute for smart folders. I like time-based searches, such as:


This recreates, at least partly, my beloved Mail/MailMate smartfolder setup. Dropping your most frequent searches into TextExpander keeps your fingers on the keyboard, too.

Screen Shot 2020 09 28 at 8 23 03 PM

**A TextExpander Gmail Search Modifier Snippet**