Make Bad Art

Unstick yourself by making “bad art”:

Often the problem is that they’re too tied to the outcome — too concerned with getting it right, being amazing at what they do, making pots of money or even impressing others with their achievements.
All of that keeps them stuck.
But the way forward is surprisingly — terrifyingly — simple. That’s to commit to just one thing: Make bad art.

This article rang true for me, with my TikTok adventure and even here on Uncorrected. Hell, it’s why I called it “Uncorrected” in the first place: Here’s some stuff I’m thinking about, reading, or interested in. I’m not creating anything polished, just creating. Nobody gets hurt, I have some fun, and hopefully you, dear reader, get a twinkle, however ephemeral, in your eye.

Beat Your Procrastination with One Terrifyingly Simple Commitment