LD Stephens’s 2021 Essential Apps

Loren Stephens looks ahead to the apps he will be using in the new year. Great inclusions that I use but didn’t discuss in my 2020 post:


PopClip adds an iOS-style edit menu to selected text, with the ability to customize the available actions using PopClip extensions. Brett Terpstra’s PopClip Extensions add to those available by developer PilotMoon. PopClip will format text, shorten URLs, send selected text to a search engine or tweet, create emails, parse events for your favorite calendar, and more.



My use case for Hazel is pretty simple: Hazel moves files and folders on my ~/Desktop into a folder if they sit there too long. I wish I had Hazel for my meatspace desk. My Hazel rules are more complicated than I let on, but not much.

Two More

He also uses Keyboard Maestro, which I have purchased and tried to use but I don’t find it terribly useful. iA Writer is a great app, too; I used it as my go-to notes app for a long time, but replaced it with the also-great Bear. I’ve been writing posts for Uncorrected in iA lately, though. It was one of the first text editors to support open-in-place on the iPad, and does not require you to keep everything in an app-specific silo. The style check is useful, and while it looks like a minimalist text editor, it is a powerful writing tool.

ia Writer