
Great article by Dr. Drang on returning to using LaunchBar after trying Alfred:

Launchers, especially their ability to dig though a folder hierarchy in one step, are one of the main reasons I find certain types of work much easier on a Mac than on an iPad. Once you get acclimated to using one, you find working on a device that doesn’t have one like working with mittens on.

I’ve been a LaunchBar user since 2002 and have happily upgraded every time. Like Dr. Drang, I used it primarily to launch applications (instead of Spotlight), but other uses are immeasurably time saving:

  • navigating folders/finding files
  • calculator
  • performing actions, such as emailing a file, after “grabbing” a file using cmd+g
  • running Applescripts
  • clipboard history
  • initiation web searches
  • showing running processes

That does’t even scratch the surface of what the application can do. It’s a credible snippet manager for those who don’t need (or want) TextExpander, too.
