iPad Pro 2020

MacWorld does a nice roundup of all of the features coming to the refreshed iPad Pro. In class Apple fashion, they continue to iterate on the product and its features.

Not to disparage the hardware, but I would argue that the development of iPadOS shows most clearly how they’re focusing on the iPad as the central computing experience for most users: in 13.4, true mouse support is upon us, with an implementation that rethinks the visual cursor more than anything users have seen since the dawn of the visual pointer. From Daring Fireball:

This mouse pointer support is rich and deep — it is far more than a simplistic virtual finger tip, and far more thoughtful and graceful and direct than a port to iOS of Mac-style mouse cursors.

The upgrade to Safari in iPadOS 13 promoted the device for me to something I could use for just about everything I do at work. The mouse support in Universal Access was a nice first step, but this will elevate the experience of using iPadOS once more.

5 ways the new iPad Pro changes everything about Apple’s vision for the tablet computer