Happy Birthday to Me: Thoughts on Turning 49

I’ve got one more year before the big half-century. Some things I’ve learned:

  1. Say What You Think: Do this tactfully, but be true to yourself in dealing with others. I don’t mean the “I say what I think” coarseness of someone with a childhood wound; I mean be upfront about what you think, not in the interests of being right, but in the service of number two.
  2. Prefer your own opinion to the opinions of others: This is from Ryan Holiday/Daily Stoic; trust what you think. You don’t have to be right all the time (you won’t be). But we’re all dealing with situations that don’t have “right” answers (sure, hindsight is twenty-twenty). Corollary: honor your ambivalence. Don’t get taken in by pressure. Sometimes not making a choice is making a choice. Another corollary: choice is protective, in most cases. When you can, make a choice. Don’t let things happen to you.
  3. Don’t doubt your capacity for change: The things you think aren’t ever positions you’d back or activities you would enjoy might very well be entirely within your capacity or interest. Ride the wave sometimes. Corollary: try things when you get the chance. Don’t be a picky eater, in food and experiences. But when you find something? Commit to it. Don’t be inflexible; change it up when you’re wrong. Did I mention that I lost 70 pounds? That’s an example of something I didn’t think I could do. But here I am.
  4. Stop worrying about being wrong. It doesn’t mean you’re an awful person. Nobody’s perfect.