Bring Back the MacBook

Jason Snell, writing for MacWorld:

As much as I love my M1 MacBook Air, I would drop it in a heartbeat for a 12-inch model that looked like the Retina MacBook. There’s room in the Mac laptop line for a smaller, lighter MacBook. I promise it won’t take up very much space.

Years ago, I recommended a MacBook to a former coworker who found the 11″ Air’s (non-Retina) display hard on the eyes, and I myself was lucky enough to use one for four years through my employer. Its criticisms–the Intel M3 was slow, and the butterfly keyboard was, at the very least, worse than the keyboard that preceded it, and at the worst, broken–is true, but the size was simply amazing. I would pinch it between two fingers when walking to meetings.

The case for a 12-inch MacBook Air

Hook: A Quick Look

A Problem in Search of a Solution

How do you organize data? If you’re working on a project, do you like to keep everything together in a folder in the Finder or Dropbox? If so, what about applications that aren’t document-based? To-do applications are self-contained, with entries in a silo. Notes apps, too. Digital junk drawers, like Yojimbo, Keep It, and DEVONThink, keep their files sorted in their own internal storage systems as well; you don’t save their files across the file system.

If you use specialized apps like these, you have likely struggled with this folder-based organization. In order to find a reasonable solution, you have either tried to make one app the clearinghouse for all of the information, or you use search.

Hook’s Solution and an Illustration

Hook by CogSci looks to solve this problem with Hook. Hook links files together. Hook’s interface is sparse; it’s a utility in the true sense of the word, reminiscent of LaunchBar or Alfred in its presentation.

So here’s an example: each year, I have to prepare budgets for each special education program by school. The final product is a one-page printed spreadsheet, which I give to the accountant at a meeting.

Getting from last year’s categorical budget–the printed spreadsheet–requires a number of pieces of information: last year’s budget, for example, a sheet with projections for how many students I think will be in each program and each grade, notes (usually taken in Drafts of Agenda) from meetings, and emails. It’s a project, in the GTD sense of the word.

As an OmniFocus user, I always create a budget project with a deferred start date (We don’t work on them until about this time of the year, right after Christmas), but there are always notes and considerations that I add to the project, which begin once I’m completing the upcoming school year’s budget (while I was preparing the 20-21 budget, I started thinking of things that I would need to remember for the 21-22 budget).

Without relying on Hook, I could link to support materials in OmniFocus by creating an action item with a note that contains a URL to a Google Sheet, for example–and that might be the right way to manage one of the steps in the project, if it is, in fact, an action item. But having a to-do item exhorting me to review an email that I don’t need to act on isn’t productive.

With Hook, though, I can select the project in OmniFocus and invoke Hook; I am treated to a window with the name of the project, and below it, all of the “hooks” associated with the project: Drafts notes, emails, URLs to Google Drive files, etc. Action items go into OmniFocus, and support files are linked to the project via Hook. I can be promiscuous with my application use, because as long as Hook can get a link to the data, I can attach it to this central point of focus. In the picture below, you can see how Hook shows three support files: an email, Drafts document, and a link to a Google Sheet that I will need to update.

Having a central point of reference to which all of your Hooked links are connected is a key part of using the application. You can’t, for example, grab three files and link them to each other, and then have other files linked to this ersatz collection later on. That’s a strength or weakness depending upon your intended use case. To this end, Hook enables the user to connect to a central hub (for example, a text file or TaskPaper file, or even to select something such as a new OmniFocus project or a folder in Finder. The developer describes exactly this on Hook’s website.


Users with multiple Macs can take advantage of Hook’s sync feature. You point the app to a folder that both installations of Hook watch (iCloud or Dropbox, for example) and your links will work across devices.


CogSci Apps is following a model like Agenda, where buying Hook is a one-time transaction, but releases with new features after one year will cost you. Theses “Updates Licenses,” though, don’t cost as much as the first full license you purchase.

Voodoo Economics Have Been Exorcised

Paul Krugman, arguing that direct Federal intervention this year not only worked, but proved the wrong-headedness of Reaganism:

All this big-government intervention worked. Despite a lockdown that temporarily eliminated 22 million jobs, poverty actually fell while the assistance lasted.

And there was no visible downside. As I’ve already suggested, there was no indication that helping the unemployed deterred workers from taking jobs when they became available. Most notably, the employment surge from April to July, in which nine million Americans went back to work, took place while enhanced benefits were still in effect.

Nor did huge government borrowing have the dire consequences deficit scolds always predict. Interest rates stayed low, while inflation remained quiescent.

2020 Was the Year Reaganism Died

Why Your Phone Begins with the letter “I”

Jason Snell, writing at Six Colors, about the most important Mac ever:

And then there’s the iMac’s final legacy—the lowercase letter ‘i’. It was such a hit that Apple began sticking it in front of every product it made. Some of them survive to this day. But does the i in the iPad, iPhone, and iPod really stand for ‘Internet?’

Of course not. It stands for iMac. The product that saved Apple.

20 Macs for 2020: #1 – iMac G3

My Own Private Stimulus Electric Moped

Alex Pareene, writing for the New Republic, makes a modest stimulus proposal–buy Americans an electric scooter:

A nation of electric moped-owners would not just change their own behavior; they’d become a constituency for changing all of our transportation options and our built environment itself. Most people don’t need massive vehicles for the majority of their travel. Throughout the rest of the world, most people manage to get by with lighter and smaller vehicles than the ones Americans use. Many Americans are purchasing larger and larger SUVs and trucks because they feel safer, but the main thing they feel safer from is other people in larger and larger SUVs and trucks. Low-speed, light-weight scooters will pose much less of a threat to children and pedestrians, and if their use is widespread, their users should come to realize the benefits of further restricting the use of heavy automobiles in urban and even suburban settings.

Even if you had a car, you could make do with one of these for a lot of your jaunts about town.

Buy Every American an Electric Moped

Psychopaths for Trump

Via Boing Boing, a study find that psychopaths love Trummpian autocrats and endorse racist views:

The researchers found that heightened interpersonal and affective psychopathic traits were positively associated with social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism, which in turn were linked to increased anti-immigrant attitudes towards Middle-Eastern refugees and distrust of minorities.

On a related note, NPR took a fascinating look at the Hare Psychopathology Checklist, and it’s (mis)use in determining sentencing and parole requests. Like many tests of psychological constructs, the creator of the test saw it become something beyond the instrument’s intent. Psychopathy is interesting because, like schizophrenia, people use the word casually without knowing what the disorder really entails.

New study links psychopathic tendencies to racial prejudice and right-wing authoritarianism

“The Visibility Afforded By Its Ample Greenhouse Is Peerless”

MotorTrend profiles the Cozy Coupe’s creator, Jim Mariol:

The most clever part was the overall conception: a pedal-car-like experience without the pedals, called a foot-to-floor toy. Something kids too little for pedal cars could also enjoy without excluding older kids who could also fit inside. Mariol was inspired scooting around on a wheeled office chair, using his feet—something within the power of an average little tyke. The design was more than just cute: The roof made it, indeed, cozy and more like a real car than a typical roofless pedal car. And the larger rear wheels and bulkier rear end meant it would be harder to tip over backwards. Add in the long, swoopy door, which of course opens, and you have a primeval car experience, delivered to Little Tikes for consideration in 1979.

I always figured the design was inspired by the Flintstones.

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe: First “Car” for Many Has Roots In Real Car World

LD Stephens’s 2021 Essential Apps

Loren Stephens looks ahead to the apps he will be using in the new year. Great inclusions that I use but didn’t discuss in my 2020 post:


PopClip adds an iOS-style edit menu to selected text, with the ability to customize the available actions using PopClip extensions. Brett Terpstra’s PopClip Extensions add to those available by developer PilotMoon. PopClip will format text, shorten URLs, send selected text to a search engine or tweet, create emails, parse events for your favorite calendar, and more.



My use case for Hazel is pretty simple: Hazel moves files and folders on my ~/Desktop into a folder if they sit there too long. I wish I had Hazel for my meatspace desk. My Hazel rules are more complicated than I let on, but not much.

Two More

He also uses Keyboard Maestro, which I have purchased and tried to use but I don’t find it terribly useful. iA Writer is a great app, too; I used it as my go-to notes app for a long time, but replaced it with the also-great Bear. I’ve been writing posts for Uncorrected in iA lately, though. It was one of the first text editors to support open-in-place on the iPad, and does not require you to keep everything in an app-specific silo. The style check is useful, and while it looks like a minimalist text editor, it is a powerful writing tool.

ia Writer

Essential Mac Software 2020

Last year, on Christmas Eve, I posted my annual Essential Mac Software list for 2019. Here is this year’s list, which I drafted prior to reviewing last year’s.

Google Meet

Holy Shit: In March 2020, New Jersey locked down fast and hard due to COVID-19. Schools moved to full virtual instruction in March of 2020 and never came back for the rest of the school year. None of us knew how to do that.

Unmoored from a rigid bell schedule, I talked to staff face to face that I never met before for more than a moment. I hosted meetings with the pretense of providing leadership, but only to commune with people presented with an impossible task. I used humor, as I do, to diffuse difficult situations, and to encourage honest conversation. We all were searching for normalcy.

Our district uses Google’s then-named GSuite, and I embraced Google Meet as the official VOIP solution. Google Meet is dead simple to use, reliable, and effective. It’s cross-platform. Recent privacy changes are making it challenging for school districts who need to confer with non-Google-account-holding parents and guardians, and that’s a shame. I still use it constantly, though, and I appreciate its sparse interface but essential utility.


Having many meetings, one after the other, requires an agenda. There are many ways to skin that cat (flat files, tags, and folders, for example), but I like Agenda. Agenda lets you connect notes to calendar events. [^Calendars have to be added to your Mac or iOS device through Settings or System Preferences (I.e. directly to your device); Fantastical accounts, for example, won’t work.] Agenda then drops a link to the meeting into to the calendar event details. The visual presentation is beautiful, and welcomes rich text and Markdown users alike.




I calculated that I spent about $700 on video cameras and microphones to make working remotely (and supporting distance learning) better. SoundSource, like many of my purchases, was not required, but in improved every aspect of the experience.

Changing inputs and outputs. Checking levels. All from the menubar. Is dipping into System Preferences difficult to complete this task? No. But SoundSource puts it right on your menubar, with input and output levels nicely animated.

Webcam Settings

This perfectly singular purpose app allows me to create webcam presets and switch between them from my menu bar. Twilight? That’s a setting. Cloudy day? That’s a setting. Focused and useful. I wrote more about it here.


Fantastical makes adding Google Meet data to my work schedule seamless. Part of Fantastical’s allure is purely aesthetic, while other features–calendar groups and event proposals–are interesting but not useful to me. I did finally subscribe after sticking with the features from version 2 for a time. Across all three device class in the Mac ecosystem, it’s the most integrated and elegant calendar solution.


OmniFocus is the where everything I have to do or have to remember goes. The review is crucial, and OmniFocus integrates this into the software like no other task manager.


MailMate pairs a spartan UI with a powerful email engine. I rely on its search and smart folder functionality. MailMate is a Mac-assed Mac app for email.




MailMate is for work; Spark is for everything else. It is decidedly of the newer UI design generation on the Mac, with a custom UI that looks unlike anything else. Spark syncs accounts so setting up a new device is a breeze. You can save smart searches in the sidebar, helping you focus. The paid tier helps team collaborate, but the free version has everything an individual would need. It’s my choice on iPadOS, too.



Keep It

The digital junk drawer is an app genre I am drawn to. I have a hard time sticking to one of these apps, and where I once obsessed with to-do managers, I now obsess with how to collect files vs using the Finder.

I was a longtime user of Yojimbo, and the only reason I’m not using it is because they never made a useful iOS app. I have tried EverNote and DEVONthink, and while I love the latter, some sync funkiness and their restrictive license led me to try Keep It. I like this app a lot, and shunt a considerable amount of data to it each day. Keep It deserves its own post for sure.

Folders, Collections, Tags, and OCR–with companion iOS and iPad apps that sync over iCloud–make me keep using Keep It.


Keep It


You don’t really know how you spend your money. You might know if you’re up or down, but you don’t know where it goes unless you track each expense and categorize it. Money isn’t the only game in town, but it’s been around for a long time. It connects to most accounts, and you can set up rules about how to categorize transactions. Monthly and annual reporting is then effortless.


TextCase takes text from the clipboard and performs manipulations, such as changing it to title case, small case, and other options. It reminds me a good bit of of an old favorite, TextSoap, and has companion iOS apps.




There’s a new version. It’s not terribly different or improved from the last version but it’s good enough that it warrants your consideration. I wrote about it after it was released, and I use it daily.




Mac-assed Mac app emblematic of an era I miss very much. Competes with Reeder, of course, but the Smart Folders alone are worth a spin. Plus, it’s free.




It’s not better at anything that any Mac apps I use are (Drafts, Keep It), but I love the fast syncing, sharing with others, and the handwriting recognition.


I don’t start writing in MarsEdit, but I publish most of my posts to Uncorrected using this Mac-assed Mac app.


The first thing installed on any device. I don’t know any passwords except for one, and I don’t use any other password manager.


LaunchBar is probably number 2 on my installation list for a new Mac, and I use it all day, every day. It is one of the examples I would cite about why I prefer working on the Mac over iPadOS day in and out. Does it launch apps? Sure. But it’s my clipboard manager, app switcher, file manager, and the place I go to initiate a web search. I love LaunchBar.


Preferring Safari doesn’t mean you don’t sometimes need Chrome or Edge or Brave or another browser. As my employer is a Google GSuite house, I need to be logged into a Chrome-based browser most of the day. Setting Bumpr to your default browser allows you to choose which browser opens links you click from other sources (emails, messages, etc). It’s an elegant solution that beats cutting and pasting links.

Better Snap Tool

BST emulates and extends the Aero Snap functionality introduced into Windows 7. Like LaunchBar, I almost unconsciously use BST all day long. If it’s not running, I notice it within minutes. The base functionality is invaluable by itself, but you can extend its usefulness by assigning keystrokes and “Snap Areas,” which is a cool trick that a competitor, Mosaic, uses in a different but useful way.


Big Sur worsened an already-vexing problem–the overcrowded MacOS menubar–by with generous padding between icons. Bartender continues to offer an elegant solution by tucking user-specified applications into a menu-bar submenu.

There Will Be Another

This list is not exhaustive; I use Excel and Google Sheets a lot, for example, and continue to use Drafts to start lots of writing. Other apps are new to me, and I’m excited to use them to see if they make 2021’s list. I recently purchased a license for Hook Pro, for example, and I’m excited to learn how best to use it to connect information from disparate applications and locations. I wrote about Filepane and Mimestream as well, and they appear to be taking up permanent residence in my menu bar and Dock, respectively.

Tone Indicators for the Emoji-Impaired

Ezra Marcus writes about Tone Indicators for the NY Times:

Today’s tone indicators go a step further than, say, putting a winky-face emoji at the end of a sentence. They assign a narrow, concrete meaning to a statement, leaving no room for interpretation. They are not subtle and can deflate humor. (Picture a comedian declaring to an audience “I am joking” after saying something outrageous.)

Writers add a /indicator to the end of a paragraph, like /rh to signify that something is a rhetorical question or /hyp to indicate hyperbole. It’s an interesting strategy instead of simply skipping anything nuanced. I am old enough to still consider the phone the solution to anything other than a brief email exchange, because email exchanges often go so very wrong, so very quickly.

Tone Is Hard to Grasp Online. Can Tone Indicators Help?

Mad King Trump, Act V

Peter Baker, writing for the New York Times, consults a Shakespeare expert on Mad King Trump’s behavior:

“This is classic Act V behavior,” said Jeffrey R. Wilson, a Shakespearean scholar at Harvard who published the book “Shakespeare and Trump” this year. “The forces are being picked off and the tyrant is holed up in his castle and he’s growing increasingly anxious and he feels insecure and he starts blustering about his legitimate sovereignty and he starts accusing the opposition of treason.”

“If there are these analogies between classic literature and society as it’s operating right now, then that should give us some big cause for concern this December,” said Mr. Wilson, the Shakespearean scholar. “We’re approaching the end of the play here and that’s where catastrophe always comes.”

Trump’s Final Days of Rage and Denial

The McRib

Via Boing Boing, a fascinating look at the elusive McDonald’s McRib sandwich:

The McRib is no longer needed as an emergency substitute for chicken. McDonald’s chicken supplies are now ample and stable, but the McRib still plays a role in bringing in patrons and their families that will come for the sandwich and nothing else. The amount of time it remains on the market is likely dependent on how much pork can be purchased at a profitable price.

Originally positioned as a way to entice diners who wanted Chicken McNuggets during early days when the supply was constrained, McDonald’s introduced the McRib. It didn’t do well in the United States, but continues to sell well in other countries. Today, it brings in diners who otherwise wouldn’t come to the Golden Arches, but follows a random interval schedule to enhance reinforcement coinciding with dips in pork prices.

Why Is the Mcrib Only Offered Occasionally and Why so Randomly?

FilePane: a macOS Alternative to Dragging Files

The MacHumble Bundle sponsored by 9 to 5 Mac prompted me to buy four intresting apps this year, some new to me, with others being long-time wishlist occupants:

Filepane was the most unusual and interesting of the bunch, so I added it to the bundle. At its core, Filepane provides an alternative interface for moving files around on your Mac. When you start to drag a file in Finder, a small window pops up; dropping the file or files onto that window brings up a palette of actions you can choose.

Filepane palette

Filepane moves files (and folders) from one location to another, but it also:

  • attaches the file to a new email
  • creates a zip archive of the file or files
  • sets your wallpaper
  • converts and edits images
  • invokes macOS’s share sheet
  • copies
  • gathers files into a new folder

Filepane drop here

One key limitation of Filepane in my brief experience is that the action palette appears within pixels of the file or files you were attempting to move; Filepane’s interaction with files in the lower right-hand corner of your screen will be in that same corner. On larger displays, the action palette can be difficult to see. An option for a larger palette, and potentially one in the middle or top middle of the screen, would work better for me. (You can, however, drag an activated Filepane palette to wherever you like on your screen/

Filepane moving

If you’re using Filepane to move files around (something as an avid user of ~/Desktop for active documents and project folders, which requires frequent attention to avoid Desktop clutter, I find tedious), the item file menu hierarchy exposed in when drilling down levels is small. It’s also entirely mouse-driven, which makes sense in that dragging a file is how you invoke the application. If you prefer to keep your hands on the keyboard, though, Filepane isn’t for you.

Filepane moving2

I’m excited to try this out over a longer period of usage; whatever your final opinion of Filepane is, it is an intriguing reconsideration of a well-understood metaphor for organizaing your data. I still do a log of clicking and dragging, although my preferred way of moving files around these days is using Launchbar.

Big Sur and the Bootable Drive

Big Sur is here, and accompanying any big MacOS release is the need to make a bootable installer drive for troubleshooting and easy updating of multiple Macs. Creating a bootable Big Sur installer, however, takes a bit more work than previous releases. MacWorld’s Roman Loyola has an informative guide. Notable this year is the need to create the drive and then update the installer, as well as the disappearance of non-terminal options.

Having older Macs with USB A-style ports as well as newer Macs with USB C interfaces, I was happy to find the SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive Go 128GB USB Type-A/USB Type-C Flash Drive. This little double-ended drive supports both interfaces in a tiny package.

SanDisk - Ultra Dual Drive Go

Apple Silicon Macs Axe eGPUs


Apple’s new M1-equipped MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini do not appear to be compatible with eGPUs, including the Blackmagic eGPU that Apple has promoted alongside other Macs and that is available through the online store.

Apple will add support for eGPUs at some point only if the integrated GPUs lag terribly behind what ATI is doing now. If you’ve gamed on an iPad Pro, you know that Apple’s silicon is more than adequate–even if it’s not top-notch gamer kit. Apple is describing it as the fastest integrated graphics in a personal computer– a metric not interesting to hardcore gamers, but serviceable for those of us paying too much money for eGPUs with last year’s boards.

M1 MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and Mac Mini Not Compatible With eGPUs