Typora: A (Crossplatform) Markdown Editor

In asking around about Windows software for Mac users (I’ll explain soon), a Reddit user turned me onto Typora. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Typora’s default setting it to render your Markdown, a la Bear. You can, however, turn this off for a more text-editor-like experience, which Typora calls Source Mode, In Source Mode, Typora offers some syntax highlighting features.

One of Typora’s coolest features are Themes, which you can switch, download, and even create your own.


Typora, Cobalt Theme, Outline Mode

Typora’s Sidebar feature shows the files in the directory you’re working in, but you can toggle an outline mode, which shows an outline of the markdown document by heading levels.

There’s plenty more, including tables, a plethora of export options, image support, and Pandoc support.