Todoist’s AI Helps Unstick Your Project Planning

This is pretty bananas: Todoist uses AI to figure out the steps that likely comprise a project and will allow you to add the result of the search to Todoist. Using the (experimental) AI feature adds the resulting recommended steps to your Todoist account as a multistep project.

It’s easy to get into hype mode about AI, but I can see this kind of functionality making figuring out the next step in an a project a bit easier.

I tried “conduct a functional behavioral assessment” using Todoist’s AI and it returned a complete, if not terribly specific, set of steps.

the AI menu

Click on the three dots to expose the menu where the AI assistant lurks

AI Search Results

Type your search in the box

Add Steps to your Task

Choose the recommended steps you want to add

The updated project in Todoist

The updated post in Todoist