TikTok Isn’t for Therapy

Angela Haupt, writing at Time, about social media’s misuse of clinical terminology:

While terms like gaslighting have existed in therapeutic practice for decades or longer, most only started to become common lingo within the past few years, fueled by use on social-media platforms. One viral Reddit post or TikTok video is all it takes for the masses to latch onto a previously overlooked word.

TikTok is awash with “coaches” of dubious credibility helping everyone see how they were trauma-bonded to a narcissist. The unmediated Psych-101-ism is appalling. Sending an apology gift of flowers isn’t love bombing, disagreeing isn’t gaslighting, and calling it quits over different expectations doesn’t mean a relationship was toxic.

How does Andreas know? He probably made them up.

Here we have a “coach” authoritatively listing the 7 stages of a trauma bond

Three signs!

Three, just three

Discarded! Inside the mind of a narcissist

Inside the mind (and pickup truck) of a narcissist

Tricks and tips for trauma bonding!

Trauma Bonding Done Right

Six! Count 'em!

If your SO says four out of six of these things, he’s a narcissist. We have more videos for you to watch if that’s the case. You can also sign up for a coaching session.

Gaslighting, Narcissist, and More Psychology Terms You’re Misusing