The Truth About Email

A Twitter thread about email turned me on to a newer email client called Twobird. Twobird resurrects one of Mailbox’s most groundbreaking features, which was putting email that it calculated was truly important to you in a separate inbox, and sorting the rest of the chaff into a place you could examine later (if ever).

Twobird shunts everything else into a category called “Low Priority.” If you use Gmail’s default categories (social, updates, forums, promotions), these messages are considered low priority. There are other interesting features, but I’m not going to review the app here.

I tried Twobird out with my home gmail account. What struck me was how little personal email I got was considered worth of my inbox. Like maybe one email a day. So I put my work gmail credentials in. The result was basically my inbox in MailMate or Spark: almost every message was Inbox-worthy.

Personal email has become what snail mail became two decades ago: Junk.