Panic Revives Audion

Panic, purveyors of Mac-assed Mac apps, have dusted off their MP3-player app Audion:

Once upon a time, we made one of the earliest MP3 players for the Mac, Audion. We’ve come to appreciate that Audion captured a special moment in time, and we’ve been trying to preserve its history. Back in March, we revealed that we were working on converting Audion faces to a more modern format so they could be preserved.

Today, we’d like to give you the chance to experience these faces yourself on any Mac running 10.12 or later. We’re releasing a stripped-down version of Audion for modern macOS to view these faces.

I was a SoundJam user myself, but I remember being amazed by the skins you could apply to this app. There’s even a Newton-themed face.

Audion Newton Face

Facing Forward