“Craft Deep Drive” on Mac Power Users

I’m looking forward to this episode of MPU, as it’s timely for me: I started playing around with Craft a bit just to see what this Mac-centric, Notion-like PKM works. Some quick observations:

  • support for wikilinks: unlike the emerging standard of using double brackets to link to an existing file, Craft uses the “@” character to show a pick list of links, or offers to create a new file. Bonus: hovering over linked Craft notes in a document shows a preview window
  • “Focus Mode” isn’t the same as macOS’s full-screen mode; you can still see the menu and title bars. Another bonus: Focus mode, like just about everything else with Craft, works great on iPadOS.

Craft preview on hover

Craft Preview of a Link on Hover

I’ve been trying Craft out as a repository for college visit information for my oldest son, and I started using it for work a bit today during a presentation. One of the things that I liked most about the wikilink angle was that, during the training today, it was easy to spin off a definition of a term or a legal case into a separate document, kind of a Zettle. This aspect of Craft is very Obsidian-like, but the experience is pure macOS (and the iOS derivatives are similarly joyful to use). And you can link to text blocks in the document you’re working in, or other documents.

#650: Craft Deep Drive