Sunday Serial

  • Sneakerasers: these are Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for the white rubber trim on your sneakers. Made famous on Shark Tank, they definitely do the job.
  • Flippers Custard: My first memory of custard as a child (custard twist with candy eyes) is from Flippers. They make their own custard, and was made one of Pete Genovese’s Best of… lists.
  • Sweet Amalia oysters: These oysters are locally famous for being a product of South Jersey and delicious. You can sometimes get them at the Newfield restaurant, but they might be on tap at your favorite oyster bar.
Flippers Custard
Flippers Custard
Sweet Amalia Oysters
Sweet Amalia Oysters

Why I Like OneNote

I’ve been using OneNote for a while now, and I was going through my notes and saw this one (from a class I’m taking) and thought that it was a good example of why I like it. You can take notes using a stylus. You can type. You can drop screenshots into it. It’s all of the ways you probably collect information, and it’s very much like a modern version of an old-school notebook. It looks like one of my college notebooks, but with some typing. I love drawing lines to connect ideas, referring back to something I wrote earlier. There’s some weirdness to the application and it will be hard to move to another tool if I ever decide to. But I was always curious about it since I read an article by James Fallowes.

The next largely mechanical task is saving material you come across in your work, whether it is something unexpected on the Internet or the result of more purposeful research. There are countless tools of this sort; the one I now use is OneNote 2007 from Microsoft. I like it because it can handle almost any kind of information—Web clippings, PDFs, audio or video files, straight text—and index it for quick retrieval. It also has an elegant feature that makes capturing information utterly painless. When something you want to save is on your computer’s screen, you can press a button or two and “print” that blog posting—or photo, or e-mail, or online receipt—to your OneNote file. It’s like storing paper documents in folders, except that it’s faster, easier, and more reliable when you look for the material later on. Microsoft has made other Office programs available for the Mac, but not yet OneNote. Scrivener, a new research and writing application, is what I would try on the Mac.


The 10k is my favorite and most dreaded workout. I do steady state 10ks about once a week. This is my last 10k and I thought it was gonna be a middling performance at best. I’d like to wrap one up in 40 mins and get my power steadily in the 180s.

Ride the wave.

You Can’t Be Liked by Everyone

This can be rooted in fear of rejection and an intense desire of wanting to be liked, but we’re never going to be liked by everyone. On top of that in many instances, people pleasers in can often end up feeling left out or rejected anyway, or resentful about feeling as though they give far more than they receive in return. Because they try to be everything to everyone, it also comes across as incredibly wishy-washy and that’s an unattractive quality to most people, because then you feel like you never get to really know that person. You’re missing out on creating lasting bonds, deep relationships, and cultivating that true connection.

People pleasing is the equivalent of going through life with a full body suit of armour on, and in a constant battle with yourself and with those around you rather than taking the armour off, experiencing a few wounds, and allowing the wounds to heal and growing stronger as a result.

The Dishonesty of People Pleasing Getting the PARA Treatment

I’ve been reading Tiago Forte’s Building a Second Brain and am intrigued by his PARA method. I’ve set up the home directory on my OneDrive account that way, and still have to finish this on my Mac. I’ve always had a sense of unease about how I organize (or don’t organize) files on my internal storage as well as in apps like DEVONThink (and now OneNote). My OneNote installation is set up using PARA; I’m committing to using [][1] more mindfully and am setting it up now using PARA.