An Indiana Jones Easter Egg

My younger son, Aaron, and I were talking about movies he’s never seen, and one of them was Raiders of the Lost Ark. It’s one of those movies I’ve seen so many times that I didn’t even think to make a fuss about showing the boys, but here we are. So today, with him convalescing from a stomach bug, I figured, let’s watch one of those flicks.

Toward the end, there’s a scene where Belloq (Harry Freeman) is yelling at Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford, for those of you who don’t know anything) and a fly shows up on the screen. It looks like it disappears into Belloq’s mouth.

We both sat up and were like “Did you see that?” Upon a scrub back, we could confirm that it was not an organic fly in the room with us, but something playing out onscreen.

So here’s the deal:

Did Bellow eat a fly in Indiana Jones? Answer: No, it just flew away but movie magic made it look like it did. The fun continues though, if you watch the video below and listen very carefully you will notice that the sound effects department added the sound of the fly landing on Belloq’s face and a second later you can hear the sound of it flying away. The crew were definitely having fun with this one.

Did Paul Freeman Accidentally Eat A Fly In Raiders of the Lost Ark?