Why It’s Expensive to Feed Your Kindle

Constance Grady, writing for Vox, on why ebooks aren’t cheaper than dead tree editions:

And because ebooks are often more expensive than Amazon’s heavily discounted print books, traditional publishing’s ebook sales seem to have fallen off — and Amazon is more dominant than ever in the print book market. “It’s so much cheaper,” says Friedman.

In this new market, high ebook prices make it harder than ever for young authors in particular to survive. “The split has really hurt debut novelists,” says Friedman. “It’s hard to ask readers to take a chance on someone unproven at that high price point, and since the ebook market does lean towards fiction, it’s hurting the new people.”

Despite the Department of Justice’s actions to stop Apple and the big publishers from attempting to establish an agency model, the agency model is, in fact, exactly what is functioning in the ebook market now. So while Amazon can offer deep discounts on print books, sellers can set the prices for ebooks.

The 2010s were supposed to bring the ebook revolution. It never quite came.