Watermelon, Sunday Serial B-Reel

I almost included watermelon in my Serial Sunday Pro Max post last night. Watermelon is ubiquitous and cheap in southern New Jersey all summer long. I’ve always loved watermelon, but not more so than these last two summers. Last summer, my rowing schedule kept me plenty thirsty, and there is nothing more refreshing when you’re thirsty than watermelon. It’s also low calorie relative to the bulk you can serve yourself, even being careful with your calories: a decent bowl of watermelon won’t even net you 100 calories. I eat watermelon first thing in the morning when I get up, just before rowing and coffee, and eat it throughout the day. I can eat a quarter of a melon in a day when I’m really in the mood.

Sadly, like all great seasonal things, it seems like the supply is drying up locally. Rhonda and I tucked in to Shop Rite and came up empty, and subsequently rolled out to a local farm stand in the hopes of securing one there. Nothing.

I did, however, score a nice small cantaloupe, which I cut up this afternoon. It’s delicious.

Cubed Watermelon
Cubed Watermelon
Watermelon at a Market
Watermelon at a Market