The Correctly Sized Travel Mug

A cup of coffee, American style, is about 250 grams of brew. That’s a regular mug of coffee. Much bigger than that, you’re not gonna finish or it’s gonna get cold. That’s about 8 ounces, or…a cup.

Travel mugs, for some reason, run larger: 12 oz, 16, more even. I’ve been taking coffee to work in a too-large travel mug forever. My most recent attempt at a reasonably sized mug was the Yeti Rambler, which has a modest volume, but is too wide to fit in my Mustang’s cup holder.

I happened to see this 9 oz mug at Marshall’s yesterday at check-out, and despite the shape and sparkles, I couldn’t help but buy it. it’s the perfect size for a normal cup of coffee.


Marshall's Mug

This looks nice.

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