I wrote at the beginning of Christmas break that I was bringing the Chemex home to see how we felt about it vs the Melita pour over rig I usually use. (I use the Chemex at the office.) I still have to check in with Rhonda, but for myself, I feel like the Melita at home is just fine. Maybe what I like at the office is the difference, another way to have coffee. I love my pre-workout Moka pot. Is it better than the Melita? Nah. Different? Sure. I can say the same for the Chemex: do I prefer it? Nah. Is it different? For sure.
Here’s what I’d say, if I were forced to be reductionistic about it:
- If I could only have one way to make coffee, of the three, it would be the Chemex.
- If I could only have two, it would be Chemex and moka.
- But none of those material restriction apply.
So the Chemex is packed up and waiting, like an impertinent child having a time out.