The Chemex Returneth

I wrote at the beginning of Christmas break that I was bringing the Chemex home to see how we felt about it vs the Melita pour over rig I usually use. (I use the Chemex at the office.) I still have to check in with Rhonda, but for myself, I feel like the Melita at home is just fine. Maybe what I like at the office is the difference, another way to have coffee. I love my pre-workout Moka pot. Is it better than the Melita? Nah. Different? Sure. I can say the same for the Chemex: do I prefer it? Nah. Is it different? For sure.

Here’s what I’d say, if I were forced to be reductionistic about it:

  1. If I could only have one way to make coffee, of the three, it would be the Chemex.
  2. If I could only have two, it would be Chemex and moka.
  3. But none of those material restriction apply.

So the Chemex is packed up and waiting, like an impertinent child having a time out.

Back to the office with the Chemex
Back to the office with the Chemex