The Best Camera Is the One in Your Pocket, Revisted

32,411 Photos and Counting

I wrote back in June of 2020 about my increasing rate of photo-taking, mostly due to having a smart phone.1 I thought it would be fun to go back and update my photo-taking activity after a couple of device upgrades.

Phone Photos Videos
iPhone 3G 927 0
iPhone 4 1780 268
iPhone 5 2048 135
iPhone 6 Plus 1974 27
iPhone 7 1802 57
iPhone X 2122 47
11 Pro Max 1435 38
12 Pro Max 2707 115
14 Pro 7187 818

I wrote back then that I take about a thousand pictures a year. That was generally true; at the time I wrote the original post, I was on track to take around 3,000 pictures a year, as I only had the iPhone 11 for one year before opting to upgrade to the 12. I took around 2700 with the 12… but over 7k with the 14 Pro. I took a lot more video with the 14 as well, by a significant margin.

I don’t expect the 16 Pro to bear the same load.

iPhone Photos and Videos that I've taken compared by model

1I have no question that the evolution of the cameras in modern smartphones, and in my case, the iPhone, is directly related to the trend in my photo taking.

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