Sunday Serial: Ulysses, American Philosophy, and AppyHour

Here’s this week’s list of things to check out:

  1. Ulysses: I’ve been trying trying demos of the Mac/iOS/iPadOS since the app debuted on the Mac, but I never pulled the trigger and subscribed. It’s a great example of a Markdown-based text editor, although Ulysses has some notable differences from the likes of iA Writer, what might be considered its closest analog. I don’t need or want Ulysses for much of its feature set, though; I prefer individual text files to a database exclusive to the app for this kind of writing. It does, however, have great WordPress support, even allowing you to include images in a post. I’m writing this installment of Sunday Serial in Ulysses in fact, and will likely publish it from here as well. I prefer iA Writer or even BBEdit to it on the Mac, but even there, I have to move everything over to MarsEdit (a great application in its own right, but not one I like to write in). Ulysses nicely unifies posting to WordPress when I’m using my iPad.
  2. American Philosophy: A Love Letter: I mentioned this book mid-last-week in talking about John Kaag’s _Hiking with Nietzsche._I’m really ignorant about American philosophy.
  3. AppyHour: Rhonda signed up for this app-delivery service a while ago. We both agree that we’ve enjoyed trying things we wouldn’t have otherwise chosen at a store. The Prosecco jam in this last box is gooooood.
Ulysses on iPadOS
Ulysses on iPadOS