Sunday Serial: Todoist, Amazon Essentials Jeans, and a Trickle Charger

Here’s this week’s list of things to check out:

  1. Todoist: I have tried Todoist as an alternative to my otherwise-stalwart to-do app OmniFocus several times, most recently moving over last spring/summer because I liked the Windows client better than OF’s web version. I do not generally like Todoist more than OmniFocus, as it’s not a native Mac app in the way that OmniFocus is a Mac-assed Mac app. But even when I’ve gone back to OmniFocus after a Todoist flirtation, I always missed the native language input that Todoist offers across all platforms (and the iOS and iPadOS apps are credible on those platforms, compared to the electron version you get on the Mac and Windows). Let’s say that you want to remind yourself to pick up some milk tomorrow. In Todoist, I don’t have to go beyond the quick input panel with this line of text:

    pick up milk @errands tomorrow #Home Single Actions /Out and About

This creates a task in the project “home single actions” under the section titled “Out and About,” flagged with the errands context and due date of tomorrow. It’s fast and easy and I miss it in OmniFocus, where you have to bounce around in multiple fields to classify the action.

  1. Amazon Essentials: I was hot to get a pair of smaller jeans recently but wasn’t interested in either going shopping or paying a lot of money. I ordered a pair of Amazon’s Basic brand and while they will never be in the top spot for most comfortable jeans, they are just fine. They’re less stretchy than most current offerings and very true to size, with little forgiveness in the waist, thighs… well, anywhere. I still wear them all the time though. I have a pair of gray pants for the office that fit about the same. The polyester really dials up the static cling factor.

  2. Trickle Charger: I picked up this Schumacher trickle charger for our cars a while back. As cars age, their batteries often need a boost after many short trips. This unit isn’t fast but it’s small and does the trick.


Amazon Essentials Jeans

Schumacher Trickle Charger