Sunday Serial: Sagamore Rye, Brew Ratio, and Tally

Here’s this week’s list of things to check out. Last week was a hell of a week!

Sagamore Rye

Rhonda and I had this rye in Rehoboth Beach one night during a family vacation, and have been keen to get a bottle. She spied a bottle on sale last weekend, and we’ve been enjoying our manhattans with it all week.

Sagamore Rye
Sagamore Rye

Brew Ratio

Brew Ratio is a great coffee nerd app. You adjust your coffee, water, or ratio variables, and Brew Ratio adjusts everything else, to help you make a great cup of Joe. There’s a timer, too. I prefer when my scale has a timer, but my current scale doesn’t, so I’ve been using my Apple Watch when I need to set a timer.

Brew Ratio
Brew Ratio


Tally, by Agile Tortoise, is a focused tally tracker by the maker of the essential Drafts. It’s dead simple but immediately useful. Behaviorists take note.
