Here’s this week’s list of things to check out:
- New Mac Mini: Apple released an update to the Mac Mini, including a notable redesign of the case, and two powerful new chip options. My first Apple Silicon Mac was an M1 base model Mini, and it was half as expensive as the i5 it replaced, and faster and silent to boot. You can still get a really cheap Mac with the Mini, and with the base RAM bumped to 16 GB, there’s no reason not to recommend it.
- ProNotes : I read about ProNotes on Bicycle for Your Mind, a great blog. It’s a Mac-only plugin for Apple Notes that adds a bunch of welcome features, including a floating/inline styles bar, Craft-style / invokable menus, and AI integrations. A note of caution: trying to use the beta search feature is causing ProNotes to crash for me right now.
- Rehoboth Beach, DE: We just wrapped up our fifth visit to Rehoboth Beach, DE. COVID broke our stride in 2020, but we’ve otherwise gone every years since 2019. Mostly retread old steps, to great delight sometimes. We can all easily list why we like to come back, but I think part of it is just that we like the trip and the dinners out and the shopping and the whole rigamarole.