Sunday Serial: DayOne, Espanso, and Blueberry Pancakes

  1. [DayOne](Day One Journal App | Your Journal For Life ( DayOne is a journaling app that is tightly integrated into the Apple ecosystem (there’s a web version, too). At its core, it’s good for keeping daily journals, but the os-level integration allows you to import pictures and other data, document your location, and more. It’s a [Mac-assed Mac app](Daring Fireball: Mac-Assed Mac Apps)for sure. One of the charming things it does (if you want it to) is remind you to read an old entry. Today, I got this one:

Post-vacation trips
I often think about how bad I’m going to feel after a vacation (being sad about going back to the routine)), but in purely behavioral terms, I must like all vacations and breaks because I am always excited for them when they are upon me. If the post-vacation sadness were so salient, I wouldn’t want to even go because the negative emotional fallout would outweigh the fun. And that’s never the case. Sunday damage never dampens Friday enthusiasm. So weird…

I’m terribly inconsistent in my use of DayOne, but I do find it a good place to write things I might not want to share here or just to think (because writing is thinking). And having the entries is a fun way to recall specifics about a time you have vague memories of.
2. [Espanso](Espanso – A Privacy-first, Cross-platform Text Expander): This is a cross-platform snippet expander for Mac, Linux, and Windows. Creating snippets ("Matches," in Espanso terminology) requires adding commands to a YAML file, which is not at all like the experience of using a tool like [TextExander](TextExpander: #1 Text Replacement & Keyboard Shortcut App), but like AutoHotKey, Espanso has a lot of power and customizability.<sup>1</sup>
3. Blueberry Pancakes: Rhonda gets a boxed mix and adds buttermilk; I don’t know how to prepare them, but I can cook them (and eat them). I make these on the Blackstone griddle after the bacon is cooked. A once-in-a-while food for sure.

Blueberry Pancakes
Blueberry Pancakes

<sup>1</sup> I do still have a TextExpander subscription, but I don’t use it like I used to. Because I don’t write technical reports or documents as an administrator, I don’t need access to a lot of repetitive text. I do like to have a few things handy, though: email addresses, my cell number and work number, addresses… things I might otherwise have to type out repetitively.