Hey! It’s Daylight Savings Time. This will jack up my sleep a bit but I like longer daylight hours in the evening.
Here’s this week’s list of things to check out:
Radial Launchers for macOS
I missed the boat on these radial launcher utilities for the Mac, but I see the discussion remains strong on the /macapps subReddit. I installed Launchy and the difficult-to-spell Pieoneer on my Mac and am trying them both out.
These types of apps might scratch the itch I find missing from my Max Menus days, which was a Mac OS X app I purchased back in the day and used with great affection.
I don’t like how crowded they are on my Mac Studio at home, where I leave a lot of apps running. I have a 32” display, so the menu could be much bigger. Only Launchy offers resizable palettes, but even at the largest size, it looks crowded:
My command-tab (macOS default app switcher) and command-space (Launchbar) muscle memory is so trained at this point, I don’t know if there’s another mode of app switching in my life. But I would like something visual and gesturally tighter than command-tab at this point. Especially with my using a Magic Trackpad at home these days. Pieoneer has nice sounds and haptics, so it wins for now.
Baron De Ley 2019 Varietales Garnacha (Rioja)
Rhonda and I had this at the Greenview on Friday with NY Strip and lamb chops. Highly overpriced, as you might expect when buying in a restaurant, but we enjoyed it.

A Festive Spouse
I often joke that I’d live in a cinderblock room, unappointed, bachelor-pad stylee were it not for Rhonda. It’s a fault for sure. But I benefit by proximity, and I love when she changes the LED lights on these surfaces to match the holiday. And while my favorite color is blue, I really do enjoy green. Here is this season’s delightful LED array in the kitchen and my office.