RSS Pruning

Digital packrat that I am, I have been carrying my RSS feeds with me for years… surely over a decade. When Google Reader shut down, I exported my RSS feeds and moved them over to Feedly. Since then, I’ve tried successions of online services: Feedbin, Newsblur, and others. And some version of that original export was in there.

I decided to go hard on my RSS feed and start anew. Or at least seriously prune it. I exported my Newsblur subscription out of NetNewsWire and opened the exported OPML file in BBEdit. I went through line by line, section by section, eliminating subscriptions and even entire sections. I saved this file and imported everything back into NetNewsWire, selecting iCloud for the destination.

Pruning RSS OPML in BBEdit

Presto: a lean and mean news feed, syncing between all my kit.

NetNewWire, all trimmed up

NetNewsWire iCloud Sync

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