Part of culling my Feedbin/RSS subscription list has come with it the realization that I like reading independent blogs and websites. I tend to avoid the firehoses, with exceptions, including even good sources like the NYT. It’s just too much for me to read in a feed reader; for those, I can use their proper apps or Apple News.
So I’ve trimmed the list down, recatorized and decatorized a bit, and synced NetNewsWire and Unread with Feedbin, which I’ve updated by unsubscribing to all of my old feeds, and uploading the winnowed down list, which I exported from NetNewsWire.
We’ll see how that goes.
But another thing I discovered, in trying to find search engines more inclined to return results from blogs and smaller sites, was Marginalia, which its creator, Viktor, describes thus:
Remember when you used to explore the Internet, when you used to discover cool little websites made by people and it wasn’t just a bunch of low effort content mill listicles and blog spam?
I want to show you that the Internet you used to go exploring is still very much there. There are still tons of small personal websites, and a wealth of long form text from both the past and the present.
So it’s a search engine. It’s perhaps not the greatest at finding what you already knew was there. Instead it is designed to help you find some things you didn’t even know you were looking for.
I created a quick custom search template in Launchbar so that I could check out the results over time; I’m curious to see if I find some good Feedbin additions.