
Wawa headquarters, in a boardroom, with brains larger than mine, where a conversation was held:

Executive 2: “Panini? That word is already plural.”

Executive 1: “What do you mean?”

Executive 2: “It’s an Italian word. ‘Panini’ is plural aready. You don’t have two ‘paninis.’ You have two panini.”

Executive 1: “Are you telling me we didn’t sell toasted raviolis under the heat lamps by the counter?”


Executive 2: “That’s correct. We did not, in fact, sell toasted raviolis. The bag said ‘ravioli.”

Executive 1: “Because it was already plural.”

Executive 2: “That’s correct.”

Executive 1: “My life is one big lie.”

Executive 2: “It’s not a big deal. People call them raviolis all the time.”


Executive 1: “So back to the paninis.”

Executive 2: “Panini.”

Executive 1: “Right, panini. So what is one called?”

Executive 2: “A panino.”

Executive 1: “Seriously? You’re fucking kidding me.”

Executive 2:”No shit. One is a panino.”

Executive 1: “What’s one ravioli?”

Executive 2: “Don’t make me say it.”

Executive 1: “Fucking say it.”

Executive 2: “A raviolo.”

Executive 1:”Goddam it.”

Executive 3: “So were going to put up signs that say ‘Panini?'”

Executive 2: “We put up signs that said ‘ravioli.'”

Executive 1: “Because that’s what they’re called.”

Executive 2: “No one orders one raviolo. It’s a dish.”

Executive 3: “But you would very likely order one panini.”

Executive 2: “Panino, if we’re shooting for accuracy here.”

Executive 3: “Fuck.”

Executive 1: “No one says anything. They tap screens to order.”

Executive 3: “That’s a great point.”

Executive 2: “Very true. But the signs. They say ‘paninis.'”

Executive 3: “But people will say, ‘let’s get paninis from Wawa for lunch!'”

Executive 1: “God willing.”

Executive 2: “I know… it sounds one way. But it looks really bad in print.”

Executive 3, eyeballing Executive 1 nervously: “What do you think?”

Executive 1: “The signs read ‘paninis.’ And you can have #’2’s office.”