OmniFocus and Focus Mode

I saw this video on YouTube last night and it was definitely a mind:blown moment. One of OmniFocus’s most powerful (pro) features are perspectives, which allow you to narrow your (ahem) focus to tasks you are able or willing to complete. I have created a dozen or so of my own perspectives in OmniFocus, including several in my attempt to organize my tasks in the Eisenhower Matrix, a “weekends” perspective, and some others to separate work from home open loops.

The idea, however, of using the Focus feature on iOS/macOS/iPadOS to accomplish a similar thing blew my mind. I immediately updated my Work and Home Focus settings on my iPhone to include the Work and Home folders exclusively when the Focus is applied, and it works just as described. I could certainly use a bit more granular there, but that may come in time. Also: that’s what perspectives are for.

This was a great opportunity for me to explore the Focus feature in the Apple Ecosystem once again. I had restricted contacts in the same Focus settings depending upon the Focus mode, but it’s cool to see how many app notifications you can turn off, app by app, with this feature.

OmniFocus 4.3 Now Available

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