“It’s Just Not Good Enough”

John Gruber, reviewing the M1 iPads Pro:

The elephant in the room is iPadOS. It’s just not good enough. In the same way that Intel’s chips were holding back Macs, iPadOS has been holding back iPad Pros. With Intel chips, the hardware was holding back the Mac platform. With iPads, it’s the software holding the platform back. This hardware is indisputably amazing, and iPadOS is fine for casual use. But it still feels like I’m trying to do fine detail work while wearing oven mitts for my day-to-day work.

As a person who went whole hog on doing (almost) everything on the iPad before COVID-19 scooted me into the house and rejiggered my life such that I spent my days before a screen, camera, and a mic, this observation resonates. I grew to love the Mac and the desktop experience all over again, and realized that the deep bench of macOS software was not only productivity enhancing, but just plain fun for a hobbyist.

The 2021 M1 iPad Pros