Interesting Take on the Eisenhower Matrix

I’ve been using the Eisenhower Matrix in Todoist to categorize my tasks:

  1. p1 means it’s an important and urgent task; I probably don’t get any long-term fulfillment from this kind of task, but it has to be done soon.
  2. p2 roughly corresponds to "decide" but is important, but not necessarily urgent. I don’t look at p2 tasks daily. These are long-term things to work on that have impact.
  3. p3 tags are things I might be able to delegate to someone else or possibly take care of quickly, urgent but not important on the matrix.

This post on Twitter showed a novel rethinking of the Matrix’s quadrants. The key difference here is the language used for the four quadrants; I don’t remember seeing them put this way before: Do (p1), Decide (p2), and Delegate (p3). You don’t need to put "Deletes" in Todoist.

Eisenhower Matrix
Eisenhower Matrix