Two years ago, In “Building a Better Me,” I wrote about using my Apple Watch to track some health metrics after having lost around 30 pounds. One of those metrics ended up being heart rate variability, or HRV:
This is a stubborn and somewhat mysterious metric, but it too has crept up from below 20, and in some individual cases much lower, to often spiking during the day into the 30s and 40s. I know it’s low if I’m tired or in a blue mood. I am usually pleasantly surprised to see a higher number, but often reflect that I was busy and not terribly reflective when the number is at its highest.
Tonight, on the sofa, I started poking around in the Health app on my phone (what’s up, water weight!) and noticed that my HRV averaged 60 today. That’s not characteristic of my daily average, but I did notice that it has drifted higher, largely due to the fact that it sometimes increases while I sleep–which I now track, since updating to an Apple Watch 10 (it will always be the Alex’s Apple Watch X to me).

Looking back a littler further, though, and contrary to what I expected to see, is that while my average is far from high, if that means anything, I did manage to double my average number. So like 16 back in 2022 to over 30 since last fall.

So now I’m chatting with Chat-you-know-who about increasing parasympathetic nervous activity.