Email Yourself Articles to Feedbin

I noticed that I got a copy of Steven Sinofsky’s latest Hardcore Software Substack post in my inbox, and realized that I hadn’t moved it over to Feedbin. After doing this, I wondered: could I just email myself something at my Feedbin newsletter email address and have it show up in my feed?

Lo and behold, you can indeed. I’m not sure how much I’ll use this, but it’s a cool feature. A didn’t see that it was documented, but I guess the mechanism is the same.

University of Delaware and a Hot Pot Deflowering

I took Aaron to the University of Delaware today for a tour. It was cold and still empty from the break. It was my second visit; I took Joe a couple of years ago.

I don’t remember college tours being so cold. I do remember enjoying them though.

We followed up with some hot pot at Kungfu Hot Pot. It was the lunch special and there were two kinds of broth (we settled on spicy sichuan and beef broths. I told the guy, “first time.” He was patient.) We also ordered some kind of spicy Korean beef, pork belly, another kind of beef, and something else. There was an adjoining room with all kinds of grizzly bits and tripe and noodles and fish cakes and there’s too much to mention. Oh veggies too. And sauces. All kinds of sauces.

Hot Pot Table
Hot Pot Table

I had no idea what was going on, save for the idea that things should be dunked in the roiling broth before us.

Hot Pot Add Ins
Hot Pot Add Ins

We tucked in hard.

Hot Pot Broth
Hot Pot Broth

As I write this, the joint is still open. What sort of boozehoundery must ensue at this late hour?

I got a pound of coffee, too.

Sunday Serial: Forever Notes, Half Growlers, The Unschdule, and OmniOutliner

Whew it’s kinda late. Here’s this week’s list of things to check out.

Forever Notes

Since diving back into Apple’s Notes app, I’ve wondered about how best to organize the notes. I don’t subscribe as fully to the magic of search as I used to; it’s necessary, for sure, but not sufficient.

I set up Notes using Tiago Forte’s PARA Method and, despite my continuing confusion of what, exactly, goes into the “Areas” folder, it’s working out pretty well. But me being me, I always wonder…

Sample Forever Note for Aaron’s College Search
Sample Forever Note for Aaron’s College Search

Forever Notes doesn’t suggest much in the way of organization, but focuses more on linking notes and using some characters to enhance your search powers. It reminded me of some of my early uses of TaskPaper as a kind of project anchor document. Hookmark largely obviated the need for this kind of document for me, though. It’s a good way to learn all the goodies in Notes you’re not using.

Half Growlers

This adorable upstart is, as its name suggests, half of a standard wine growler at our favorite local haunt. I neglected to bring our one liter growler to fill up on their Lynx wine, and was about to buy a new one when I spied the halflings on the shelf below. I drink exactly 100 grams of wine with dinner most nights of the week, so 500 ml will be just about right. Started this evening in fact with the sous vide chicken drums and Mac and cheese we had.

Half Growler of Lynx Red Wine
Half Growler of Lynx Red Wine

ChatGPT tells me that they got the name “growler” from the gurgling sound they made when people sloshed them around in buckets.

The Unschedule

I’ve been trying to read Neil Fiori’s The Now Habit since I purchased it long enough ago that it’s not even ironic any more. It’s an interesting take on procrastination, but some of the core strategies Fiori recommends are purely behavioral, and in the case of the Unscheduled, cribbed from the practice of BF Skinner himself.
Without getting into it too much, the Unscheduled shows you have to track how you spend your time each day in discreet blocks of time, blocking out commitments and things you have to do (like commuting, making coffee, prepping dinner) and then build in time for things you like to do (reading, writing, socializing, gaming…whatever it is that you do intrinsically). It’s effectively time blocking, but a little less granular.

Friday’s Unschedule… My First Attempt
Friday’s Unschedule… My First Attempt

(For my part, I cannot understand how someone who’s properly using a to-do app to time-block with the surfeit of very short tasks that inevitably populate your system.)
For example, you might pick a project that you’re having a hard time getting started on and block out just one half-hour to work on it with uninterrupted focus. You then track the minutes that you spend doing the project, and reward yourself for completing the 30-minute dash by doing something preferable.
The larger point of all of this is to help you see that you don’t have to work interminably to make progress, and that planning for play will make you more, not less, productive.


It inevitably comes to the mind of any good tech nerd that unscheduling begs for the creative application of software. I looked at some PDF templates and set something up in Notes, but I also cobbled together a quick OmniOutliner document that totals up the time logged in a cell. I love using OmniOutliner but don’t often find a good use for it. It sits in a weird space between outliner, notes app, to-do list, planner, and spreadsheet. It’s impossible not to love, a kind of Emacs for Mac nerds . It’s dense and challenging, although this has improved to some degree in this regard over subsequent releases for me (mostly around formatting). I suspect OmniOutliner doesn’t sell in anything close to the volume of OmniFocus, and so might not be as actively developed. But it’s fantastic on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone, and sync is fast over iCloud.

Today’s Unschedule, just tweaking the design
Today’s Unschedule, just tweaking the design

In the Spirit of the Season

Back before the holiday, I found myself reviewing OmniFocus and decided to, apropos of nothing, change the name of “Office Christmas Party” to “In the Spirit of the Season.” It occurred to me that I must have read or heard that somewhere and my mind dredged it up from my long-term memory. That’s pretty interesting on its own, cognitively speaking.

It also occurred to me that I might be getting soft and corny now that I’ve turned the page to the age of 50.

But then I woke up on Sunday, on my side of the bed, and looked at the wall next to my warm spot, and saw this:

Our wedding invitation
Our wedding invitation
It’s our wedding invitation, framed, which has been hanging on our wall ever since we got it. It think my mom had it done for us. And it opens, “In the Spirit of the Season.”


Being “Stress Free” Isn’t the Goal

This a powerful video that echoes a line of thinking that’s currently ascendant around the web. Call it “antifragility,” Stoicism, productive struggle, or not giving a fck. I do like Vivek Murthy’s twist on it, though, in that he highlights relationships as the antidote. The more you look into the productivity literature, the more you read about managing stress and other internal states and cognitions.

Fulfillment is not the lack of hardship and it’s also not lack of stress in your life and I think sometimes we assume that we got to get rid of all stress in order to be happy but when we’re truly rooted in relationships and purpose and service that foundation actually makes us more resilient in the face of stress.

in life there are going to be some stresses and struggles that come our way and the question is can we be in a position where we’re more able to manage them and handle them because we’re not alone…because we have folks around us to support.

Automation: Which Devices are Connected to My Mac?

Speaking of automation, I used Jason Snell’s excellent tip to make a shortcut to list all of the USB devices connect to my Mac, in plain text.

Portable SSD T5
Scarlett Solo USB
MagSafe Charging Case (USB-C)
USB3 Gen2 Hub
Razer Kiyo Pro
USB2 Hub
Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Cable

Quick Tip: Which USB devices are currently attached?

HomeKit Automation with the HomePod Mini

I’m way late to the home automation game.

My usage is very basic but emblematic of my style

One thing: I can absolutely see where a HomeKit thermostat would come in handy. I did in fact once attempt to replace ours, but it’s an older style of wiring that I’m not messing with.

All of my automations control the two HomePods Mini I have. The first Homepod I bought is in our bedroom; we use it as a white noise machine to replace the din the window air conditioner makes during the summer months. My custom, for years, would be to say, “Hey Siri… play white noise.” And that she would.

And that was pretty much all I did with it.

I decided to get another HomePod mini for my “office,” such as it is, for music and maybe some voice-command action while I worked. I started by automating it to play music when anyone came home, and then pause when they left. It just seems to play most of the time, though, which is fine.

My second automation was a little more specific. I set up the bedroom HomePod to play white noise starting at 10 pm on Monday through Friday, and then switch to music at 6:40 am, which is around when Rhonda and the dogs are rousing. It plays music until 9 am, at which time it pauses. For some reason, I have it resuming music an hour later. Not sure why I did that. I’ll have to update it.

HomePod mini Automation in the Home App
HomePod mini Automation in the Home App

Pour One Out for the VW VR6

Sad news, but I suppose with four-cylinder turbos being so ubiquitous, this made more sense. Rhonda had one of these that she bought in like 2002 if I remember correctly. It was an Indigo Blue VR6 GTI with leather and some kind of fancy speaker system. It was a blast to drive, powerful and throaty. It was, sadly, plagued with electrical problems, so between that and the difficulty of putting an infant travel system in the back of a hatchback coupe, we traded it in for a more practical grocery getter.

Cool Cars
Cool Cars

I can only find this picture of the GTI. It was pre-iPhone days, so casual photography was still a more purposeful endeavor than it is today. My favorite part, though, is that you can see my 2000 Toyota MR2 Spyder on the other side of the GTI. Look how tiny! That was a fun car: mid-engine, rear-wheel drive, light, and of course, a drop-top roadster.

Volkswagen Has Ended VR6 Production, Silencing Its Six-Cylinder Song

Sunday Serial: Tonewood Brewing’s Coffee Porter, ChatGPT for iOS, and Humboldt Fog Cheese

Tonewood Brewing’s Revolution Coffee Porter

2 Row, dark specialty malts, dash of flaked oats. Cacao Nibs and Coffee from Revolution
Rhonda and I stopped at Tonewood last night after dinner for Joey’s birthday at Fuji (for his 20th 😯 birthday) while the boys shopped the House of Fun, and I got one of these. It was delicious and I’m glad I got to try it. I wanted to last weekend but I tried two other styles instead. Rhonda got the Stratocaster, which was also good.

Tonewood Coffee Porter
Tonewood Coffee Porter

Humboldt FogGoat Cheese

I can’t believe that I haven’t written about Humboldt Fog here on Uncorrected yet! This soft-ripened goat cheese from Cypress Grove has a brie-like rind and a creamy outer layer, with a more traditional goat cheese center. We get it at Bagliani’s when we go, and when it looks fresh. When it’s looking old, it gets really runny in the brie-like section, and loses some of it structural rigidity. You can tell for sure. It’s worth getting if you like brie and goat cheese. I like it just by itself, but it pairs really nicely with a drizzle of honey.

Humboldt Fog Cheese
Humboldt Fog Cheese

ChatGPT Integration in iOS

I’ve been using ChatGPT, and before that, Microsoft Copilot, for my chatbot needs. I really really like ChatGPT, but I want the deeper OS integration that would come with a more fulsome Siri… or maybe something else. Whatever it is, I hope it’s a lot like the chat I had Friday on the commute home. I was asking ChatGPT, via the iOS app, some questions, which led to my learning about a CLI for the Mac App Store, mas-cli. (One of my favorite things about using Windows is using Winget instead of their GUI-based store.) I was asking about Honebrew and our “chat” led me to find out about mas-cli. That wouldn’t have happened outside of that chat. I’m pretty excited for Siri to work this way… I just hope that happens. I’ve been waiting for Siri to be more useful for a long time. The integration of the Apple ecosystem is one of the defining experiences of using the platform.

ChatGPT on iOS
ChatGPT on iOS

Apple Intelligence Needs a Chatbot

Six Colors:

It’s also not much of a prediction to say that Apple Intelligence will continue to be the same mishmash of useful and useless features as it has been up to now. I’m not sure if anyone in the tech industry really knows which AI features will be the ones that blossom into game changers and which ones will be duds. So for now, everyone just keeps throwing spaghetti against the wall. Apple’s got several pots full of spaghetti still on a boil.

It’s also not much of a prediction to say that Apple Intelligence will continue to be the same mishmash of useful and useless features as it has been up to now. I’m not sure if anyone in the tech industry really knows which AI features will be the ones that blossom into game changers and which ones will be duds. So for now, everyone just keeps throwing spaghetti against the wall. Apple’s got several pots full of spaghetti still on a boil.

I’ve been using ChatGPT, and before that, Microsoft Copilot, for my chatbot needs. I really really like ChatGPT, but I want the deeper OS integration that would come with a more fulsome Siri… or maybe something else. Whatever it is, I hope it’s a lot like the chat I had today on the ride home. I was asking ChatGPT, via the iOS app, some questions, and even learned about a CLI for the Mac App Store, mas-cli. One of my favorite things about using windows is using Winget instead of their store. I was asking about Honebrew and our “chat” led me to find out about mas-cli. That wouldn’t have happened outside of that chat. Impressive.

This Week in Apple: I’m goin’ to Wendy’s!

iPad Needs a Clipboard Manager

Frederico Viticci:

This limitation extends beyond the realm of pro apps such as Final Cut or Logic and applies to all kind of software that, due to the nature of iPadOS, is impossible to find on the platform. Because of a mix of technical limitations and policy decisions, it’s still impossible for an application that wants to perform something in the background to exist on iPadOS. From clipboard managers and video encoders to automation utilities and AI-based photo editors, if you want to run a time-consuming task in the background on iPad, you’re out of luck.

I thought the exact same thing today while typing on my iPad. On the Mac and Windows, you can stack a bunch of text and images up in your clipboard and insert them in any order in another document. The iPad? Not so much. All the window switching is bananas.

Not an iPad Pro Review: Why iPadOS Still Doesn’t Get the Basics Right – MacStories

RSS Will Save Us:

Eric Schwartz:

While I have used a handful of RSS readers over the years, NetNewsWire is one of the earliest I used and one I still come back to, even after a bumpy ride. There are probably more than a handful of blogs and sites that I’ve subscribed to that have made the jump from NetNewsWire to NewsFire to Reeder to whatever else in between and more than a handful of back-end sync services to keep track of it all. If I see something insightful that someone writes and some of their other posts are enjoyable, I’ll subscribe. Social media comes and goes, but the little geeky list of things that computer enthusiasts, designers, and other interesting folks are writing has been a part of my daily routine for the better part of the last twenty years.

My RSS feed is something I check every day. Using it would have took different than it does today to catch a toehold with social medians, though.

RSS and Email Might Save Some of Us From Social Media Rot