It’s iPhone Preorder week! Here’s this week’s list of things to check out:
- iPhone 16 Pro Max: As the title of this week’s Serial Sunday suggests, I preordered an iPhone 16 Pro Max. I was pretty sure I was gonna skip this version, as there’s nothing earth-shaking with this iPhone rev. My last two iPhones have been the pro model, but the smaller of the two offerrings. I have in fact owned two Max-size phones, and before that, the iPhone 6 Plus. I think I go through a phase where I start to covet the smaller size of other people’s phones, back down to the smaller model, and then miss the battery life of the big phone. It used to be that the Max would get you an additional camera feature, but that’s not true this time, either. I got Desert Titanium.
- Drawboard PDF Loves Lefties: I wrote about Drawboard here on Uncorrected a couple of months ago. It’s a cross-platform PDF reader that runs great on Windows (notably on ARM Snapdragon chips) and Mac, and I subscribed to it due to its feature set, price, and cross-platform availability. I discovered recently, though, that in addition to renaming the Radial Menu, you can set the new toolbar meant to replace the Radial Menu to the left, bottom, or top of your screen, mimicking the behavior of the drawing palette in OneNote. (Apple Notes does a good job with this handedness-response design, too.)
- Blistered Shisito Peppers: I’ve had these a few times at different restaurants, and they are always described tantalizingly as some being hot, some being mild. Like one in ten is hot. Rhonda saw this recipe on The Kitchen one day and they came out really good with the additional ingredients.