The grill is outside, down the ramp, and then back around again. It's a lot of steps to clock in before dinner.
Author: Alex
Tapestry, OmniFocus, and iPadOS Pulldown Buttons
I was adding feeds to Tapestry and poking around in the interface, and I was delighted by this menu:
At first I thought it was unique to the app, so I hopped over to OmniFocus to see if there was a similar feature in the UI. There was:
But it’s an iPadOS thing and isn’t actually new. I should have recognized it from the files app.
The Mac Ascendant
Matt Gemmell on using the Mac after years of iPad exclusivity:
It’s satisfying in the conventional way, in that it meets needs without drama or acrobatics. It works in the sense that it marshals its resources firmly in the direction of service, rather than theatre. It’s flexible not as a shape-shifting device of modularity and digital magic, but in the unassuming and reliable way that its answer is invariably yes. For me, that’s more than enough of a recommendation.
You Are Not a Visual Learner
Because no one is. This is not a new video, but it does a nice job torpedoing the “multiple intelligences” trend.
Let’s Talk Protein
Below we have Toro and Chu-toro, two tuna belly cuts. Aaron and I enjoyed them immensely. And after that, we have the prime rib from our local Maplewood. Rhonda and I had nice big Martinis and I knew the only choice was a steak. I skipped the potatoes.
Peloton: I Could Get Into This
I tried a 30-minute beginner ride. I really liked the hardware and the software. Two yellow sliders give you constant feedback about pace and resistance. I liked it a lot.
Pro Move
Indeed They Do
Jazzed About These New Shoes
I shop for a pair I like and then wait for the Clark’s booty text that there’s a sale. Usually works out! They are darker than I’d expected but hey.
Sunday Serial: Gone Fishin’
We’re enjoying Ocean City, NJ, this week. Be back next week!
Bigots Needn’t Apply
John Gruber:
The knee-jerk reaction to my suggestion of picking Buttigieg or Whitmer is obvious: isn’t a black woman at the top of the ticket already asking a lot? Why go with two women, or a black woman and a gay man? Because they’re smart and they’re sharp and they’re good on TV. If you don’t like their message or platform, don’t vote for them. But if you don’t want to vote for a ticket with two women, or a ticket with gay man as VP, just because, then fuck you. Go vote for Trump, because you’re a bigot, and he’s the candidate for you. There are too many racists and sexists in America, but they’re not a majority.