A Few Days with the Beats Case iPhone Case

After trying out the Caudabe Veil with the iPhone 16 Pro Max, which I liked but found that it impedes my access to the Camera Control, I swapped to a Beats Case in Riptide Blue. I like pretty much everything about the case, save for maybe–maybe–the plastic.

iPhone 16 Pro Max with Beats Case

First, the color. While arguably not the most important factor in picking a case, it is, for me, a departure to have a bright case. The loudest I’d say I ever had was the Project:Red case for my iPhone 7. I figured the light blue would look nice with the Desert Titanium of the iPhone.

iPhone 16 Pro Max with Beats Case

Second, the bottom of the case is open, as John Siracusa prefers. I never objected to the lip on the Caudabe Sheath on my previous iPhone, but now that I’ve been using the Beats case on the new phone, I definitely prefer the latter. It also gives you a nice view of the color of the phone.

iPhone 16 Pro Max with Beats Case

Third, Camera Control: the Veil requires the user to squeeze their finger into a void, and that makes using the capacitive power of the Camera Control difficult and a poor user experience. The Beats case has a conductive layer, which allows for authentic and accessible use of the new button.

iPhone 16 Pro Max with Beats Case

Lastly, the plastic: it is shiny and slick. It puts me in mind of iPhone 5C, which I liked a lot (but did not own). I would prefer something grippier; I was a fan of Apple’s leather cases, and the Sheath had a great texture despite being plastic. Overall, I enjoy the case and glance at the color from time to time with delight. But I do worry about the slick surface.

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