Sleep Hygiene

One thing I did notice peripheral to the holiday was that I was getting some crappy sleep. I was going to sleep later, and waking up earlier. Bad combo.

I can’t say it’s 100%, but I blame my in-bed use of the iPad Mini. I was getting back into using RSS and Safari’s Reading List, looking at old additions to my list and recategorizing my feeds.

Reading in this way, on such a device, is for me a far more active activity than reading a book or article. There’s a fair bit of bouncing around and looking at Notes and starting drafts when the muse hits.

Reading on an E Ink screen, save for some highlighting and notetaking (I only highlight), is much more traditional, linear reading experience. Sure, you can fall prey to endless library of books and previews available to you, but it’s easy to just fall into your book for a while. I start to get groggy when I’m reading on my Kobo after a bit, and it’s evident when it’s time to hit the hay. I’ve dropped it on my face a time or two.


So I pledged to myself to only read E Ink screens in bed. After Readwise each night, i’d switch over to the Kobo. I also pushed the time I assemble the dogs for their final walk, clean up for bed, and make sure everything is in its right place down to 930 pm.

I find reading makes me tired, and not switching contexts between apps and taking notes and more is more relaxing (if boring) compared to reading on the iPad mini.

Except for the weekends.