Sunday Serial: BBB, Fresh Clean Threads, and Local Joints

Sunday Serial: BBB method, Fresh Clean Threads, and Local Joints
Here’s this week’s list of things to check out.

1. BBB Method: We bought a pool back in 2011, and one of the concerns I had, outside of the cost of the pool itself, was the cost and trouble of maintaining the water. I in short order found what was then called the BBB Method; BBB stands for bleach, borax, and baking soda. With this method, outside of a few other problems or considerations, you can maintain your pool using three things you can find at any Walmart or grocery store. It works. Cheaply.

  1. Fresh Clean Threads: I’ve been buying t-shirts from this website for years. I don’t have any that fit right now, so I ordered a three-pack of bright tees today, size small. They hold up well to repeated washings, and have a more bespoke fit than your average tee.

  2. Local joints: Somewhere in the late 90s, my parents stared dining out in joints more swanky than I was used to as a child. Especially in Philly, there was a world of new cuisine available for the adventurous eater. Being able to tag along, I developed a sniffing attitude towards local favorites, places I’d been dining at for the first two decades of my life. Kids and other welcome limitations caused us to shrink our dining radius some, and while we still nip out for an adventure from time to time, dining locally revealed to me the delights of local favorites. Places nearby like the Maplewood, 5 Points, and Olympia haven’t changed appreciably in appearance or offerings, but are still, happily, very good places at which to dine.

Five Points
5 Points Half Carafe of Wine

Five Points Clams Casino
Five Points Clams Casino

BBB Pool
Trouble Free Pool


Maplewood Softshells
Maplewood Softshells

Our Mulberry Tree

This tree is on the side of our house; it reliably bears nice sweet mulberries every spring. The groundhogs like it. I do too. Joe still wanders out there once in a while and eats them off the tree.

Mulberry Tree
Mulberry Tree


Serial Sunday: Autohotkey, Sazerac Rye, and Franklinville Inn

  1. Autohotkey: Autohotkey is a keyboard macro utility; if you use TextExpander or Keyboard Maestro on the Mac, you have a good idea about what this app is about. I found it way back in the day when I had a Gateway at work and wanted to set up something like TextExpander. It’s a more manual affair, setting up Autohotkey, but it’s an interesting experiment and a bit more technical to get set up. It also seems considerably more flexible. I just use it for text expansion.
  2. Sazerac Rye: Rhonda picked up a bottle of this at the local liquor store; they didn’t have our current favorite, Rittenhouse. I’m always up to try something new, and I was curious about this one. I think I’ve had it in a Sazerac in Atlantic City. It’s got a bit more heat than Rittenhouse, despite only being 90 proof. Makes a fine Manhattan, though.
  3. Franklinville Inn: I wrote about this today already, but I’m dropping it in the list. Worth a visit for sure. And my yelp review is up.

Sazerac Rye
Sazerac Rye

Crab Cake App

Franklinville Inn

I’ve been hearing about the Franklinville Inn for a couple of decades, but have never had occasion to go. My parents went years ago and seemed unimpressed, so I wasn’t in much of a hurry It is locally famous for being hard to get into, although I was able to get us a rez for an admittedly early-bird seating in under 24 hours on OpenTable for last night.

The Inn reminds me a bit of the late Busch’s down in Sea Isle; it’s dark, outdated, but comfy. The crabcakes are as good as everyone says they are. Our martinis were both delicious and gigantic (Tanqueray, up, olives). Rhonda’s ribeye was better than my NY Strip, but both were good; hers had a nice, salty crust I found lacking in the strip.

We split the creme brulee and it was excellent, although you can tell they pluck a ramekin out of the walk-in and dump some booze on top and light it on fire tableside. Theatrics aside, it was still a bit boozy (and I’m not teetotaler), but otherwise delicious. I just don’t like this final step.

Definitely a good spot and I’m looking forward to going back.

Tanqueray Martini

NY Strip

Crab Cake App